Read Here An Explanation of Essay Conclusion With Example

There are three parts of an essay. These three parts are introduction, body and conclusion. The conclusion is the last part of an essay. If we talk about the structure of an essay, then we come to know that there are five paragraphs of an essay and the conclusion of an essay consists of only one paragraph. Moreover, the length of this essential section of an essay is 10% of the whole essay. For example, if we are going to write a 1000 words essay, then the conclusion of an essay consists of only 100 words. If you are not able to write the conclusion of an essay, then you can get help from experts of essay writing services. A complete guide about the conclusion of an essay along with an example is given below;

Things to include in an essay conclusion

As we have discussed earlier that the conclusion is the last paragraph of an essay and it should consist of the main points of an essay. Some essential things which are necessary to include in an essay conclusion are given below;

1) The conclusion of an essay should wrap up your essay and it should be easily understandable to the audience members

2) The topic sentence of this section should provide a summary of your thesis statement. To summarize the thesis statement means to explain the main arguments of your thesis statement in a concise way rather than restating the thesis statement

3) This section should provide a sense to your audience members that you are going to accomplish your essay

4) There is no place of new concepts and ideas in the concluding section of an essay

5) The supporting sentences in the conclusion should also be those concepts which you have presented in the main body of the essay

6) As we know that there is a specific topic sentence for each paragraph of an essay. You should try to summarize each topic sentence of an essay in the concluding section of an essay.

7) The last sentence of the concluding section of an essay should provide a sense of closure to the audience members.

8) The last sentence of your essay is also known as your clincher. With the help of clincher, you should try to demonstrate the main theme of your essay or you should try to end on your essay with the help of a positive note.

Example of an essay conclusion

For example, if you are going to write an essay on ‘Influence of social media on youth’ and the length of this essay is 500 words, then the length of the conclusion should be only 50 words. Therefore, the conclusion of this essay is given below;

Social media provides an essential platform for people to connect with each other without concern about time and space. Due to this kind of massive globalization process, the people from all around the world are affected. Along with the positive impacts of social media, there are also some negative impacts of social media. We should take some brave steps to limit the negative impacts of social media in our society.
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